
Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Time to Begin Again

by Joel Osteen

It's time to believe again. You may have situations that look like they're set in stone, but everything you're facing is subject to change. It is not over until God says it is over. Even if you've been praying for a situation for ten or thirty years, God is still at work and has an answer. We shouldn't accept the difficult situations in our lives or unanswered prayers as permanent. Despite what's going on externally, no matter how long things have been the way they are, decide to hope and believe in God. In the natural, things may look the same, but the scripture says in Philippians 2:13 that God is constantly at work in those who believe. We need to have the attitude that we are not moved by what we see, but we are moved by what we know. We know is that the Creator of universe is at work in those who believe in His resurrecting power. Do you believe in the power of Almighty God? If you'll remember how big God is and view every difficult situation as temporary, you will come to a new season of peace, faith and hope. God is always at work in those who believe!

2 komentar:

Sonia Gallagher said...

As human beings we tend to think of fair and unfair in terms of life circumstances in general. We also tend to become attached to people and situations or conditions in life. This attachment is what causes us to stress out and fear changes.

I have been meditating for a few months and can honestly tell you that I am much more at peace when I experience stressors in life. Meditation has helped me to have a feeling of knowingness that this too shall pass and that God would never give you a situation that you could not handle. I've also lost the attachment to the good things in my life. I now enjoy and feel gratitude for them constantly knowing that they are transient and have lost my fear of losing them.

Sonia Gallagher said...

As human beings we tend to think of fair and unfair in terms of life circumstances in general. We also tend to become attached to people and situations or conditions in life. This attachment is what causes us to stress out and fear changes.

I have been meditating for a few months and can honestly tell you that I am much more at peace when I experience stressors in life. Meditation has helped me to have a feeling of knowingness that this too shall pass and that God would never give you a situation that you could not handle. I've also lost the attachment to the good things in my life. I now enjoy and feel gratitude for them constantly knowing that they are transient and have lost my fear of losing them.

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